Who is this Famous Dog?
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PA Dog Rescue has created a fun game to help benefit our dog friends. For every question you answer correctly, PA Dog Rescue donates dog kibble to a hungry animal in need. Food is paid for by the revenue generated by the advertisements. Please share this page with your friends and family to make an even greater impact!

How do you play? Start by choosing a game mode. Start with Famous dogs. As you play, you can unlock different game modes. For every question you correctly answer, PA Dog Rescue will donate 3 pieces of kibble. That is right, 3 pieces! The more you play, the more dog food we donate. Have fun with it and play often. There are 100s of questions that become more challenging the more you play.

When you are finished, check out some of our other amazing other programs. Beyond Breed helps you to find the perfect animal companion. We do not rely on animal breed, rather we use the characteristics you want in a pet. Specify characteristics you want such as shedding amount, age, energy level, and more. We will use our specially designed algorithm to rank the top matches in your area.